The Tortilla Channel’s The Best Mexican Tortillas

Manageability – Waste of My Life.

I think if we had used a tortilla press, this probably would have been a success. But we forged ahead without one like a couple of proud goons, and it was our undoing. The Tortilla Channel’s The Best Mexican Tortillas were too difficult, too complicated, and too slow.

It feels pretty authentic making tortillas, and you do get a little bit of pride from making your own. Plus, as tortillas go, these were flaky and soft, and really provided that “Mexican street taco” feel. But again if you don’t have a tortilla press, just buy some El Milagros. The dough is too sticky to roll out with a rolling pin, so I had to try to spread it by hand directly on the pan. Your street tacos will be served with the lingering taste of burnt fingertips.

Also, these took way longer than the “1 minute per side” listed below. Go into this like you’re making pancakes. You’re probably going to screw up the first two or three before you get the hang of it. And for us, that definitely took longer than a few minutes.

Or “minutos”.


  • Masa Harina / Harina de Maiz Blanco Nixtamalizado / Yellow bag that says “PAN”
  • Salt
  • Warm water


  1. Put the 2 cups of Masa Harina in a bowl
  2. Add the salt and stir thoroughly
  3. Add 1 cup of hot water and stir again with a wooden spoon before adding the additional ½ cup of hot water
  4. Knead the dough into a consistent ball
    • “Consistent Ball” sounds like the nickname of a popular 90’s basketball player
  5. Cover with a clean kitchen towel
  6. Rest the dough for 1 hour
  7. Create balls the size of a golf ball
  8. Heat a large skillet pan
  9. Cover the tortilla press with plastic and press the tortilla
    • We did not have a tortilla press, and had to spread them out by-hand on the pan. It was hot as fart.
  10. Cook the tortilla on medium to high heat for about 1 minute until the tortillas get some color (no baking product required). Turn and bake the other side of the tortilla for also 1 minute
  11. Store in a tortilla warmer or keep in a clean kitchen cloth
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