Rose Bakes’ Homemade Oreo Cookies and Cream Ice Cream

Manageability – I scream, you scream, because this ice cream is easy to make.

How about a little homemade ice cream to cool you off on a hot summer night? Or as a sweet treat to go with a nice long bath? Or how about just because, screw you, I had a bad day, I can eat what I want.

I recommend Rose Bakes’ Homemade Oreo Cookies and Cream Ice Cream. It’s creamy, crunchy, smooth, and sweet. Unlike Rose, we used the Kitchen Aid ice cream maker attachment, but if you have the Bosch mixer she included those instructions . Now, I gotta say, if you DO use the Kitchen Aid, please start the mixer BEFORE you pour in the mix into the bowl. I made the mistake of pouring the mix in the frozen Kitchen Aid bowl first, and it started freezing so fast on the sides that my mixer wouldn’t turn. I had to pour it out and start all over. Oh well, that’s why god invented erasers.

But the end product tasted as good as it looks. Or rather, as good as it would look, but I was drunk when we took this picture so it’s blurry.


  • 2 cups heavy whipping cream
  • 1 cup half and half
  • 1 cup whole milk
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • pinch of salt
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract (optional)
  • 20 OREO Cookies, crushed. 25 if you plan to eat some them, which – let’s be honest – you will.
  • Ice & Ice Cream Salt for the mixer


  1. In a mixing bowl, whisk together the heavy cream, half & half, milk, sugar, vanilla and salt
    • Pour the ice cream mixture into the ice cream canister, then place that inside the plastic Bosch Mixing Bowl.
    • Place the cover on the ice cream bowl, then fill the bowl with ice and sprinkle generously with ice cream salt.
    • Turn the mixer on speed 2 for 20-30 minutes.  Check every 10 minutes or so to see if you need to add more ice and salt (keep it filled to the top of the bowl).
    • Turn on the mixer first, then pour the mix into the bowl while it mixes. Otherwise it will freeze to the sides too fast and not mix.
    • Mix on speed 2 for 20 minutes, checking for consistency.
  4. After the consistency is where you like it, stir in the crushed OREO cookies. Serve immediately as soft serve or freeze for at least one hour for a firmer (more traditional) ice cream.
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